A Course of Training for a Verger

Type: Training
Price: $65.00
Availability: Usually ships within 2 business days.


The Vergers Guild of the Episcopal Church offers a comprehensive training course for vergers: "A Course of Training for a Verger." The course enriches the development of a verger with information about the roles, responsibilities, interpersonal relationships, and practical aspects of being a verger.

To purchase the training course you must be a member of the VGEC. If you purchase the course and are not a member, you will be granted a 6-month free trial membership.

The cost of the course is $65. This covers course materials and the administration of the course. The course is delivered as a password protected PDF attachment to an email. Actual enrollment in the training course is processed with the enrollment form on page 10 of the course and requires clergy endorsement.

See vergers.org/training for details

CLERGY - Please contact the VGEC Training Advisor at advisor@vergers.org prior to ordering the training course for yourself or a verger.

** Please note: If other items from the VGEC Shop are ordered at the same time as the Training Course,

the other items will be shipped separately from the Course.**.